Breakfast Specials!
Breakfast just may be the most important meal of the day. Get your day off to the right start with a hearty breakfast. This week we have Pillsbury Toaster Strudels 3 for $5. Food Club Oatmeal, 18 oz. for $1.29. Coffee Mate Creamers 2 for $7. Kellog’s Pop Tarts in the 20.3 oz. 12 packs are only $3.59 each.
Stock up now on all your breakfast needs. While your here pick up some locally raised, grass fed ground beef. Available in 1.5 and 5-6 lb. rolls in our freezer section. The best ground beef around you don’t want to miss out on this deal, only $3.99 lb. in our 5-6 lb. rolls and $4.49 in the 1.5 lb. rolls.