Super Bowl Weekend Specials

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It’s Super Bowl Weekend!!!

Don’t miss out on the biggest game of the year! The San Francisco 49ers take on the Kansas City Chiefs for Super Bowl LIV, Sunday at 4:30 pm. Check out our weekend Super Bowl Specials and save big this game day! 

Farmers Fresh Take & Bake Pizza’s make a delicious & easy dinner.
Get a Medium for $8.99* or a Large for $12.99!*
In the Deli we have Hot Wings, only $4.99 lb!*
*Get these awesome deals Fri, January 31st through Sun, February 2nd!

We also carry Fresh Cut Fruit & Vegetable Trays in our produce department. Several sizes are available. They make a great last minute side or a healthy and delicious appetizer.

Monday-Saturday 6:00 am – 8:00 pm
Sunday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
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